Full-time coder, part-time drummer. Enjoys using and building software on the web, and is a massive fan of JavaScript.
Drag and drop can be a little tricky to implement. Here are some common problems you might run into and how to fix them to get your drag-and-drop working like a charm.
Written by Codemzy in JavaScript on October 25th, 2023
Both throttling and debouncing are useful ways to slow down how often a function runs when it's called multiple times. Throttling allows a function to be called once during a timeframe, and debouncing calls a function once after the timeframe.
Written by Codemzy in JavaScript on October 6th, 2023
In this blog post, we will create a `toPlural` function that does slightly more than just add an "s" to the end of a word if the number is more than one!
Written by Codemzy in JavaScript on October 5th, 2023
JavaScript converts values to true or false booleans in some contexts - like conditionals. A value that converts to true is a truthy, and one that converts to false is a falsy.
Written by Codemzy in JavaScript on September 21st, 2023